Providence #1 Council
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The first meeting of the companions who afterwards formed Providence Council was held in St. Johns Hall in the Old market House building (so called at that time) on March 28th 1818. The records of that meeting read as follows: “The Royal Arch Masons having from time to time received the degree of Royal Master and wishing to form a Council met with previous notice for the purpose at St. Johns Hall in Providence, March 28th 1818; viz., Companions; Samuel Jackson, II, William Wilkinson, John Carlile, Caleb Earle, Philip Peck, Henry Mumford, Israel Amsbury, Asa Bosworth, Samuel Warner, and Moses Richardson, who appointed M.E. Companion Samuel Jackson, II as chairman and Companion Moses Richardson as Recorder, and after mature deliberation agreed that it is advisable to establish a Council of Royal masters and transact business appertaining to said degree until it can be ascertained where or how a regular dispensation can be obtained. The above companions unanimously appointed Companions William Wilkinson, Samuel Jackson, II and Moses Richardson to draft and report the necessary By-Laws for said Council at the next meeting.”